If you have a side part

When you part your hair on the side, one side has more hair. You may not want to VOLOOM as many layers on the side with more hair. Do fewer layers on this side in order to match the volume on the other side that has less hair.

Crown Volume Made Easy

If you just want crown volume or if you want even more volume on your crown, try this: Make a section of hair a couple of inches wide at the top of your head where you want more height. If you have a middle part, take an inch-wide section along both sides of your part and make a single section of hair. Hold this section of hair straight up from the top of your head. Using a lower temperature than normal (20 -30 degrees below what you would usually use), use VOLOOM on this section close to the scalp, but do not clamp the plates together completely. Hold in this position for a second or two. Unclamp. The inner- most part of the section in the middle of your head will have height, but little or no texture. If you want even more height, you might try using a heat protection or styling spray on this section.

If you see too much texture

Brush your hair with the included brush

This will break up the structure and make it less visible. If you brush the hair, the treated layers will look like naturally curly or wavy hair.

Use a flatiron to smooth any problem areas

If you have tried the above techniques and still see unwanted texture poking through, just use a flatiron very quickly on just those affected areas. You do not need to use it on any other areas.

Try a thicker top layer

If the volumizing structure that VOLOOM creates is showing through to the top layers, you probably aren’t using a thick enough layer to cover the treated under-layers.

Try a lower temperature

Using the correct temperature for your hair will prevent the development of too much volume. Also, avoid holding the iron against your hair too long to prevent the hair from becoming too firm.

Don't clamp the plates together completely

You can get great volume without clamping the plates together completely. Just hold them together without clamping them tightly together if you want less texture.

find the right voloom

Take Our Quick Quiz

Take our three question quiz to find the best VOLOOM volume iron for your hair type. When used together with our Very Airy line of hair products, you'll achieve long-lasting naturally voluminous hair in minutes.

If you want more hair volume or 'movie star hair'

Try using VOLOOM’s Very Airy line of styling products for more OOMPH!

Normally, you don’t need product in your hair with VOLOOM. But some hair is so fine that it needs a little help holding any texture in the hair. Or, maybe you just feel like having movie star-big hair! If that is the case, try using VOLOOM Very Airy Thermal Protection Mist and our Soft Styling Mousse. It might be just the help you need. Just make sure the hair is dry before using VOLOOM.

“Mess” the hair up slightly using the included brush, before using VOLOOM.

Just one light stroke down the hair shaft with the brush should do the trick. This will give the hair a little more grip to hang onto the structure that VOLOOM creates. Never tease so that you can’t run a brush easily through your hair. You’re only trying to add extra “grip” to the hair, by slightly messing it up, not actually teasing it.

Raise the temperature slightly, until you get a true imprint.

When it cools, the imprint will relax. Don’t brush or comb through until the hair cools. You have complete control over the temperature of VOLOOM with the digital controls. You can adjust VOLOOM every five degrees, from 220 degrees (Fahrenheit), to 395 degrees.

Hold VOLOOM on a bit longer

You should hold it on for about a second (long enough to say “VOLOOM”) but not longer than 2 seconds. You need to be able to see some imprint initially; otherwise, it won’t hold onto the volume as the hair cools and relaxes.

Try getting closer to the roots

VOLOOM works best when you get close to the scalp and then work your way down to about the tops of your ears.

How long can you go between shampooing?

Tips to keep your hair refreshed, healthy, and looking fantastic for longer.
Not harsh chemicals needed, just a few minutes a days for an instant glow-up!

Freshen up second or third day hair

Many people over-wash their hair, not because it is oily or dirty, but because it falls flat. Instead of washing your hair on the 2nd or 3rd day after a shampoo, try using VOLOOM instead to fluff up flat spots, smooth out cowlicks and create a much fuller and more flattering silhouette. VOLOOM is a huge time saver, eliminating the need to wash and style hair every day.

Use VOLOOM whenever you want a boost

VOLOOM-treated hair should hold its volume for at least a couple of days or until your next shampoo. But some people find they want to boost it up more often. Every person’s hair is different, depending on the texture and health of your hair. But because the tool is never used on the dry, fragile ends of hair, many people are able to use the tool whenever they want – even every day if they sweat during exercise or if they just want a boost! Most people find that their natural oils offer plenty of heat protection for frequent use. Or, use your favorite heat protection spray.

Humid climates require more finesse

Hot, humid climates present challenges to all hot styling tools, including VOLOOM, and may require some adjustments in your styling routine. First, you need to make sure that your hair is dry when you use VOLOOM, especially in humid conditions. If your hair is damp, or if you sweat, the structure that VOLOOM provides will not last as long. Also, you may find that you need to use the same type of styling products that you would usually use in these climates to combat humidity, such as humidity blockers, heat styling sprays or finishing sprays. These will help to preserve the volume in humid environments.

Play with it

Don’t be afraid to just experiment with VOLOOM and try different looks and variations in volume. Try going really big – 60’s big! Try a “mock bob” if you have longer hair by pouffing out the hair at the chin and tucking it under. Try using VOLOOM with your favorite volumizing sprays and mousses – just make sure hair is dry first – and see how much volume you can get! Try using VOLOOM to fluff up flat spots and get rid of cowlicks and bed head. Try simply drying your hair after a workout, and then using VOLOOM to add volume without washing. Experiment with how many days you can go without washing by simply using VOLOOM. See how much VOLOOM pops up the layers of a new edgy haircut. Even try using VOLOOM on the top hair layer – many women find that they like the “tousled” effect it gives. The bottom line is: Don’t be afraid to play!

Add glamour to ponytails and updo’s

You’ll be amazed by how much more body and volume you have in your ponytails and updos with VOLOOM. Even a simple ponytail will look more styled and polished with more height and staying power. And your up-dos will be bigger and more glamorous. Experiment and have fun!